sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016



The intertidal zone is the area along a coastline that is underwater at high tide and above the water at low tide.
When the tide is low, living things are out of the water and they can be exposed to sunlight. When the tide is high living things can be pounded by waves.



IMG_20160919_120445_1.jpg Resultado de imagen de phaeophyta
The name of this seaweed is phaeophyta and differs thanks to his smell and his form.
Normally they live on the coast, but sometimes,also,we can find this specie on the seabed.
This seaweed is mainly green and it has small air bladders on it.

Pachygrapsus Marmoratus

In this image we can see a Pachygrapsus Marmoratus. It is very young and because of it his color is not dark, if not, very clearly.
It is small and it has a few broke fellings which serve him, among other things, to catch to his dams and to defend from the predators.

Plocamium cartilagineum and Gibbula

Here we can see some intertidal living things like Plocamium cartilagineum,red seaweed.
It belongs to the kingdom protoctista.It lives on the coasts, and is frequent that appears on the estipes of Laminaria hyperborea and other big seaweeds. It is an abundant algae that appears in big quantities between the remains of arribazon.

Also many snails are herbivorous as those of the kind Gibbula (spinning tops) that are observed in the photo. They scrape the rocks with his rádula starting the algae.

Limpet (rough Patella)

Limpet (rough Patella) is typical of the top and intermediate intermareal. The foot acts as a cupping glass, it has the mouth and the tentacles placed in the head. The rock surface is grazed by the limpets.
Normally the limpets are covered of algae and cirrípedos (Chthamalus), which make them indistinguishable of the rocky substratum where they live. It them allows it to be camouflaged in his environment.

Musseles (Mytilus edulis)

In most marine mussels (Mytilus edulis) the shell is longer than it is wide, being wedge-shaped or asymmetrical. The external colour of the shell is often dark blue, blackish, or brown, while the interior is silvery and somewhat nacreous.

Mussels are long-lived animals meaning they can live for several decades and in some instances a century or more.

They have the ability to move around with the use of their muscular foot. Mussels insert their "foot" into the sand or gravel and pull themselves forward, inching their way along the bottom. This enables them to escape slowly falling water levels and to search for preferred habitats in which to live.

Mytilidae-s , are bivalve mollusk . Established they live to animal they are the filtering ones.

Octopus mimus

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